September 15, 2008

Natural disaster

It's a quarter to three in the morning, and for the last 12 hours I have been bailing water out of the basement. It has been raining non-stop for the last three days and all the water had to go somewhere.

A little history here. The office in the basement downstairs has a pit and a sump pump. When we moved in the house in 2000, I knew that the sump pump didn't work. But then all the other house projects took over, and I never got around to replacing it. The years went by, and finally it slipped my mind. The amazing thing is that in 8 years there was never any water in there to make me think that I need to replace the pump. I was convinced that the drain-tile around the house didn't really drain into that pit. Well.. I was wrong.

When I walked down to the basement in the afternoon, I was greeted by water pouring out of the closet. Luckily our neighbor had a pump that I could borrow.

Along with the pump, these buckets helped get rid of over 200 gallons of water from the pit. No kidding.

Now I have the first shift as I keep watch. The water is slowly rising, and I have to turn the pump on every half hour or so. The only sump pump available in the entire area was at Ace Hardware going for 270 bucks. There were 8 in the store, 7 of which had been purchased already. To give some perspective, a regular old sump pump that doesn't see a lot of use can be had for under $140. So sleep is substituting for savings. Tomorrow I will have to make the round of the stores to see if the regular pumps are back in stock.

Oh. And to top it all, as I was putting Priya in the van in the pouring ran, my phone popped out of my belt. Five minutes later as I was driving away, I realized I'd dropped it. I found it lying in four inches of water. Do I even need to say what the outcome is?


swart said...

dang ... so sorry dude.

was it a nice phone?

Susanna said...

Yikes! Despite our wet wet summer I think your three days of rain have been more trying for you. Money hey! It just keeps pouring out I find.