November 04, 2005

Some clues

Consider the following symptoms: Fatigue, slight weight gain (usually less than 10 pounds and mostly fluid), intolerance to cold, slight memory loss, high LDL level. Sounds pretty generic huh? Well, as it happens, these are the symptoms of hypothyroidism - an underfunctioning thyroid. That is what the doctor's office told me I had from the blood work that came back. So I did some research...

Next to diet, hypothyroidism is the second most common reason for high cholesterol. Basically, the thyroid gland regulates body metabolism. With the thyroid level low, the body's ability to use cholesterol goes down, and hence the accumulation of excessive cholesterol.

My thyroid level was 30 times off than what it needs to be. Being a person who likes to think in terms of cause and effect, this is good news (yea... if news like this can be considered good). Now I know that it wasn't anything I was doing to make my cholesterol levels that high. My glandular system just decided that the wage and benefit structure wasn't good enough, and have called in a strike. We are currently in negotiations.


Anonymous said...

How are the negotiations going? What do the DR's day they can do to help treat you? We are thinking of you guys and praying for you. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it all means... but it sounds better than it was before... right?

Bipin Sen said...

hey guys,

thanks for the concerns. ummm.. michelle, i'm with you. i personally don't know what it all means, but i think it's positive. until i go in for some more bloodwork, the assumption from the doctor is that my low thyroid is the reason for the elevated cholesterol numbers. so in a few months, when my thyroid numbers are "normal" (hopefully), we will have to see what the cholesterol is doing. i still haven't gotten my results from the heart scan. i'm due for an appointment next week, so maybe i'll know then.

kathy, thanks for thinking of us and keeping us in your prayers. i know for sure i could use more of that.
