September 25, 2006

Whatever you do...

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24)

The desire for a secret blog hits me again. Recently I had the opportunity of being again reminded how bitter hurt is, and how we can't expect "earthly rewards," but need to look to the Father in heaven who sees all things, and knows all things. I can't go into details, but I had the experience of my 'idea' of sacrificing time and effort not necessarily reflecting in the other person's actions. I genuinly believe that most people don't intentionally mean to hurt (that would be malice). Most of our hurts come from people not giving thought to their actions, or inactions, and how that affects others. I have found comfort in the verses that I quoted above, and for all of you out there: misunderstood, under-appreciated, taken advantage of, or devalued - I hope you do the same.

Now for happier things. This past weekend Tish was in Michigan on a quick overnight water-park birthday party. That meant Priya and I got to spend a couple of days by ourselves. It was a low-key weekend. Priya's getting her second molar coming in, and had a slight fever and runny nose both days. So instead of a sick girl, I'll leave you with a happier picture of Priya enjoying a can of yogurt.


swart said...

sorry i ticked you off Bipin ... i didn't mean it!


you are SPECIAL in my eyes :)

Anonymous said...

We are in the middle of a cough/cold/ wheeze/not eating episode....but so far we have had a peaceful evening so lets hope the worst is over. Hope Priya's teething woes are over soon.

Tyson said...

I am assuming a "yokefellow" disappointed you in ministry? If it happened to Jesus and Paul, we shouldn't expect any less. And having experienced it myself, I often shudder at disappointing my pastor, who I am sure goes through many more disappointments (even though, as you wrote, we should not do anything for people). Actually, my pastor spoke about this topic last week and said God taught him that disappointments are often because we have selfish expectations. Sorry, rambling now ...

Unknown said...

yogurt comes in cans?