October 19, 2008

A few weeks out from the elections

This morning Gen. Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama. This is the same person who made the famous case for WMDs in the UN. So maybe he lacks a little bit of credibility. But still, you can't discount completely what he has to say. I saw the case he laid out between John McCain and Barack Obama, and why he's endorsing Obama. The interesting point is that Powell rejected McCain because of the Republican party, and endorsed Obama inspite of the Democratic Party. So McCain was rejected because of the people he associates with, while Obama was selected based on his personal merits. You can argue the merits of this, but I agree almost completely with Gen. Powell's case. Take a listen...

One of the things that Gen. Powell says (also mentioned by Campbell Brown on CNN) was what if Obama was Muslim? Why does it matter? Should it matter? Just the fact that so many people are hung up on that says more about those people than Obama himself.

Chicago Tribune, a newspaper started by some of the strongest supporters of the Republican party came out with an endorsement of Obama - the first time in the newspaper's history that it has endorsed a Democratic candidate. Also worth reading.


Unknown said...

Gosh, you're SO political!

haha, just teasin'.

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

And the blog takes a turn....


Anonymous said...

Why would I vote for someone whose church has preached G*d America for the past 20 years. and when it is out then he gives up his church!!!I would not want women in this country to be covered from head to foot .

karina said...

A thought...maybe Obama's campaign hasn't led personal attacks on McCain because there just isn't the material there to support such an attack. Cast the charisma aside...who really has the mettle to be a world leader? Who has demonstrated good judgment and leadership? Can anyone in Illinois point to one single thing that Obama has done for our state aside from spending his time running for President (which, by the way, he promised he wouldn't do while he was a Senator)?