December 16, 2006

Saturday morning ritual

Ok. Here it is - a video of our Saturday morning routine. I am always surprised by how much Priya doesn't complain. I remember not liking it at all. Maybe once she gets older she will feel differently. Now, I just like her patience.

And now the result...

Look how long her hair is

Later on today I will be heading out to get a king bed that someone is giving us. It's the first time we will have a bed that big, and Tish is pretty excited..


Unknown said...

just in time for Tish's pregnancy! that will be even nicer in about 6 months.

Priya's hair is BEAUTIFUL! Addy just had her first haircut. posting soon.

Unknown said...

oh, and thanks for the "how-to". I could use a little help on what you do afterwards? Wash it right away or let it sit? Only conditioner or shampoo too?

Shelly M. Burrows said...


Does the coconut oil have any significance to it? I've never heard of putting coconut oil in the hair until you've mentioned it. She is so beautiful! Getting bigger every day!

Mrs. Smith said...

Yes, a king bed is a must for the pregnant lady.

becs said...

Bipin, You're a professional!

Susanna said...

She is so good :)

Tyson said...

Hi Bipin. I'm with Shelly ... what does coconut oil do to kids' hair? Make it longer, more conditioned?

Susanna said...

BTW I hope you note the attention I pay to the comments you left me :) You are honoured indeed!

Steve and Heather said...

she is so well behaved as you rub her head like a crazy man. Remember to never, never shake a baby.

Susanna said...

Questions answered :) I know, you could get your readers to come and say hello to me as I am lonely little English girl (!)