April 22, 2007

Day 3 of 5

This is the weekend that Tish is in Las Vegas visiting her sister. Back home we are about to finish day three of the five days that she will be away. Every morning Priya has woken up, raised her hands and asked "Mama?" It's so poignant. Then she will walk into the bedroom, look at the empty bed, and ask the same question. She knows that Tish isn't around, but doesn't know the meaning of short trips. So I'm trying my best to keep her occupied and do lots of fun things. A very strange thing happened yesterday. We went to the park, and when normally Priya will race around the slides and metal walkways, this time she stood paralyzed. She could hardly walk, and howled whenever I took her to the top of a slide. You just have to look at past pictures and videos to see that it's not like her at all. Very strange.

We also went to the library where we spent an hour messing around.

Time for bed
Night night


Unknown said...

As far back as I can remember, I hated being away from my Mom...I'm sure I wouldn't have understood what "short trips" meant either. I know Priya will be super excited when Tish returns. :)

Unknown said...

do you think she was afraid? I've noticed addy having more "fearful" moments than ever before. Maybe that's part of their development?